Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blessings in disguise

Today at work I saw a woman who looked like she wanted to snap of somebody's head. I tried to avoid making eye contact in fear that her glare may bruise my soul. Instead, I just skillfully watched her children in the pool to make sure they were safe and happy. Later she walked over to say something to them, and while doing so smiled at me and asked me how I was doing. I realized at that moment how I was practically writing this woman off as the grim reaper because of her default face. Goooo Aly. I could have smiled at her earlier and known this, but alas I chose the latter. 

I've also come to the realization that I'm not as accepting as I think that I am. I tolerate imperfections, flaws, annoyances really well from people that I love, and people that I care about. But I've noticed I'm not as ok with these things from people I don't know well. I've had a extremely low tolerance for people lately. Ignorant people, over eager, rude... Just in general. I've felt extremely overwhelmed by them and their mannerisms. But I've noticed in the past few days, that when you truly, and extremely care about someone in any way whatsoever, you're willing to accept, look past, and even begin to understand their imperfections, flaws and tiny little perks. As far as everyone else, well, maybe this has just been a lately type of thing. First step is realizing you're not doing something right. And I am certainly not... I'm of course not being rude, just not being as patient as I know I should and can be. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aly, you rock, no lie.
